Dynamic Load Matching Makes Finding Freight Easy
This new year brings a huge range of new technology specifically designed to make truckers’ lives easier. Along with e-logging devices and GPS fleet tracking comes the development of dynamic load matching software. Like all new telematics technology, understanding exactly how the software works is essential to understanding the ways it can benefit your drive, and load matching software is no different. Digital load matching software can massively increase your bottom line, but only if you know how to use it.
Digital Load Matching
Load matching, also called freight matching, is the process of pairing loads of freight with drivers to get products or supplies from point A to point B. Driving without a load is as good as losing money, so keeping the product on board as often as possible is key to making the most of your drive time. Digital load matching or digital freight matching software gives drivers the opportunity to have load opportunities sent directly to their smartphones and gives shippers the opportunity to find drivers anywhere, anytime.
Digital, dynamic load matching allows drivers to more easily pick up loads that work for their route and their schedule, instead of having to plan their drive around available loads. Independent owners and operators no longer have to rely on calling multiple carriers, transportations brokers, or third-party logistics companies to keep freight on their trucks; digital load matching keeps drivers paired with loads at all times.
GoLoad Dynamic Load Matching From Konexial
GoLoad is a digital freight matching software designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, while powerful enough to give drivers an unforgettable experience. Drivers using GoLoad can avoid poor communication between shippers and carriers, as well as thousands of empty miles, by having freight and load opportunities pushed right into the palm of their hand. Using a smartphone, GoLoad allows drivers to see real-time load opportunities, while also giving shippers the opportunity to name their price. Using predictive analytics, GoLoad works with your ELD, matching drivers with loads based on available hours of service (HOS), to keep your empty miles to a minimum. GoLoad’s real-time reporting allows for increased speed of communication and full transparency between supply and demand chain.
Find Freight Easily With Konexial
Konexial is committed to improving drivers’ economic opportunities, reducing empty miles, and increasing connectivity around the country. GoLoad breaks communication barriers by making it as easy as possible for shippers and carriers to find one another for the best possible outcome on both sides: drivers cut down on empty miles and shippers get to name their price. Konexial offers a wide range of telematics technology designed to not only work for you but to work together to provide the most economical drive possible — for all parties involved. Contact us today to learn more about how our products can work for you.